What We Do


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What We Do


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[image_frame style=”framed_shadow”]http://spiritandculture.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/cscalogo.png[/image_frame]The Centre for Spirituality & Cultural Advancement is an educational institute dedicated to promoting and building social and community cohesion through interfaith social action.

CSCA hopes to enable individuals and communities to achieve societal harmony and moral excellence, by:

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  • Providing an environment in which people can embrace their spirituality and develop a strong moral and ethical code founded on the principles of respect for the “other”, engaging in civic activities in service of humanity, and generally improving their own character to benefit themselves as well as those they interact with and the public at large.
  • Providing practical solutions on a broad range of social issues that serve all members of the pluralist society we live in.
  • Educating Muslims and non-Muslims as appropriate on classical Islamic theology and practice, as distinct from current radicalised interpretations that have gained popular appeal and media exposure.
  • Enabling people to benefit from the pursuit of self-discipline and moral excellence so that they can manage life challenges (such as, for example: racism, boredom, lack of belonging, personal/relationship breakdowns, disillusionment with media and political narratives on their culture/faith) in such a way that they take productive steps forward rather than let such challenges make them vulnerable to a life of crime and violence.





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CSCA Events and Activities


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We are developing the center to become a space for cultivating positive social networks — where the community can foster a sense of belonging and youth can channel their energy into peaceful, productive outlets. CSCA will organize educational programming for the community and host workshops, seminars and lectures on a range of issues including meditation, peace-building, cultural pluralism, religious tolerance, civic engagement, artistic expression, and women’s issues. We hope these activities we build capacity of the community to take practical steps to reject division amongst one another and feel part of a wider united British Society.

Below are a description of activities and programmes that will be carried out at the CSCA centre once construction is completed.



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Study Groups


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We hope to meet once a month, with like-minded people from various faiths and backgrounds to discuss a particular theme, in an effort to facilitate understanding of one another and promote mutual respect.

We hope to study, analyse and evaluate issues such as:

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  • Religious and spiritual practices relevant to our daily lives
  • Psychological Stressors in Work and Social Settings
  • Philosophical Ideas on child-rearing, instilling moral values in the youth, and youth involvement in social action
  • Scientific advances and how they relate to our respective religious beliefs
  • Cultural norms and traditions that are important to our faith practice
  • Academic articles and information that promote interfaith understanding and cooperation


These classes will be open to local residents, the general public, students and scholars and will be chaired by relevant authorities in the respected fields.



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Personal self-development programmes


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To hold classes, workshops and seminars to address the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of the individual, in relation to their cultural and social environment, in order to promote personal and community cohesion.

Classes and workshops will be held in:

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  • Meditation
  • Physical fitness
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Art and culture
  • Spirituality and religion
  • Cultural and social orientation




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Exhibition Space


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To provide gallery space to host art exhibitions for the benefit of the local community and to provide space for the exhibition of local artists in order to encourage and develop artistic and cultural production in the local area. Art forms may include traditional and contemporary disciplines such as painting, drawing, sculpture, filmmaking and works of a literary nature including spoken word and poetry.

The target groups are:

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  • Local residents
  • Faith groups
  • Academic groups and educational institutions
  • Community and Women’s groups
  • Artists and cultural producers




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Strategic Outcomes


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  • To achieve a better personal understanding of one’s own and other faith’s through open and respectful dialogue.
  • To encourage local faith groups to engage in dialogue with others and to seek opportunities for co-operative activities.
  • To challenge religious prejudice and the myths and misconceptions in our community.
  • To make an informed and strategic contribution to the life of the Community and to promote justice and cohesion.
  • To combat discrimination on the basis of race, religion, belief to form mutual respect between people; and to find commonalities that will form the basis of long- lasting friendships.
  • To help people with confidence, self- esteem and skills for productive lives.
  • To give people the opportunity to talk, make friends, and encourage positive relationships with people from different backgrounds and to reduce communal segregation.




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Partnership Collaboration


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Where appropriate, we will work alongside and support the Local Council and Police Community Relations.
